Wednesday 9 February 2011

Sassys Self Therapy week 2

Well, a whole week's gone by and I have to say, that it's a whole bunch of other things that are bothering me this week.....hope you don't mind me sharing my rant!
Many of you will already know, especially if you follow me on twitter, that my other half managed to get himself 3 weeks work before christmas which ended up putting us in a major financial hole when we were told that we couldn't claim tax credits. We are still on the road to recovery and each day is a major uphill struggle.
Being on the dole again, we are lucky that this just about covers the bills. Only trouble is, we live day to day shopping wise as there's not much left after the bills. Many days my partner and myself do without anything, just to make sure my kids are fed....and they always are, even if it's only beans on toast! I'm now beginning to think that maybe that's why my skin etc is in such poor condition, hence adding to my's a vicious circle!
Just when a small light becomes visible at the end of this long, winding tunnel, other financial costs which I hadn't even taken into consideration have appeared. Not only is my sister getting married in June (we don't own any decent clothes or shoes, so a whole unaffordable new wardrobe for 4 is needed), my daughter also has her end of school prom in June (new gown needed there and she has her heart set on arriving in a limo like her mates), but now it seems that the course she wants to do after year 11 is going to cost us just under £500!!!
I am absolutely at my wits end and feel like hibernating and hoping it will all just go away. If I can't afford to eat, how on earth am I going to manage evcerything else??
I have to say, I seem to spend most days entering comps now...anything's a help, even something as simple as shampoo or bubble bath!
No doubt the answer's out there somewhere....I just have to search hard!
Okay, that's my waffle over for another week! Hopefully by next weeks' update, a miracle will have occurred....I can dream, can't I! lol
As always, please feel free to leave any comments, good or bad I read them all!
Elaine x

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